Here at Grand Hosting, Inc. we take our customers very seriously, not only do we give you quality hosting at low prices but we also help you with any needs you have from helping you set up your website to installing software ready for you to use.

1. To Stay Online

We are a hosting company, and we take uptime and keeping your websites online seriously. We will do anything that is possible to keep you online and make sure everything is operating smoothly. That is our word to you.

2. To Stay Current

Being in the technological world we're in today, we're here to make sure that we'll provide you with the latest technology and most up to date software's. This means that we'll be constantly looking for the next new thing to add to our feature list, and keeping all of our customers up to date on the latest technology. That is our guarantee.

3. To Be Professional

Professionalism & Honesty is always the best policy and we will always stand by them. You have our word that our staff will always act in a professional manner and if there is a problem, rest assured we'll let you know what the exact issue was. If there is ever a reason that you feel that we've been unprofessional or dishonest, please feel free to contact our management.


4. To Support You

With so many companies to choose from out there, one thing that differentiates us from other companies is our support staff. Any issues you have for us, we promise that we'll do our best to resolve it and respond to you in the quickest manner possible. Also feel free to reach out on our Community Forums for peer to peer support and help from our staff members.

5. To Listen

Last, but not least, we promise to listen to you. No company can be be truly successful without listening to their clients and acting upon their clients' feedback. After all, customers have priority above everything. Thus it is our guarantee to you that we'll listen, whether you have any suggestions or comments on our services, or wish for us to add new features, we'll always be here listening. So, if you have anything to share, please let us know. We'll be listening.